WIN 2023 Project

Learn how Positively U approached their project for WIN 2023: Reducing Isolation and Building Community Through Mental Health Focused Vision Board.

Janet’s Story: Her Purpose

“I decided, and I knew my purpose for building this organization when I was diagnosed in 2005. I was treated very unfairly at the Department of Health because I came in, and I had insurance, but it did not cover my medication. I had to fight in order for me to get my medication. I had to make sure that I could advocate for myself, and what I thought was that if I could, if I could advocate for myself, what about those who could not?”

Positive Impact 2021

This inaugural virtual summit focuses on HIV education, through the lens of medical advancements, public policy, and community engagement. Topics discussed will range from eliminating stigma, HIV criminalization, U=U, PrEP access, and engaging communities most at risk for contracting HIV.

Click here for more details